Chitral Today
Latest Updates and Breaking News. Editor: Zar Alam Khan.

Reshun also inundated by flash floods

RESHUN: While the summer months are quite far away in Chitral, flash floods have started inundating villages in Upper Chitral.

On April 4, the Birzoz village in Yarkhun was hit by floods after snow melted on the mountain. About 10 families were affected who fled their houses to safer places. Besides, the road to upper Yarkhun and Broghil valley was closed. There was no help from government departments for the families or yo reopen the road.

On Thursday, April 5, similar divulges washed away water channels and agricultural crops in Reshun town. The Chitral-Mastuj road was also blocked. The flash floods also inundated the polo ground in the town.

People were seen wading through flood water and pushing stranded vehicles in the town.

The cause of the sudden flash floods is being attributed to plenty of snowfall on mountains in the winter in Chitral.

Since 2015, Chitral has seen destruction of properties and infrastructure due to glacial lake outburst floods.–Anis Ur Rehman

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